YouTube analytics | google sheets

Optimize YouTube Tactics with Google Sheet Analytics

Discover a paradigm shift in YouTube strategy, driven by advanced analytics that reshape your content journey. Elevate your approach with data-driven insights that unlock unprecedented growth potential.

Data Pipeline

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Does the application trigger data collection based on time triggers?

The Automatic Data Tracking feature provides a convenient way to start collecting statistics automatically, with the ability to retrieve data based on customizable time triggers. No matter your work schedule or need for regular data updates, our app makes the process easy and efficient.

Main functions:

  • Flexible Timing Triggers: Set triggers at 5-minute, 30-minute, hourly, daily, or weekly intervals to ensure scripts run at exactly the right time.
  • Trigger multiple traces: Manage multiple traces simultaneously and assign them different time triggers based on their priority.
  • Data extraction: After successful execution of the script, the application will automatically extract the data and save it in a separate sheet for later analysis.
  • Secure and Reliable: Your scripts run in a secure environment and your data is stored in the google cloud infrastructure to keep your results safe.
  • Simple Interface: The intuitive interface makes setting up and managing scripts easy and accessible for all levels of users.

With the Automatic Data Tracking feature, you can improve your work efficiency, automate routine tasks and ensure regular data updates according to your needs. Don’t waste time on manual tasks – entrust it to us and focus on more important aspects of your activity.

Available only in versions starting from: yt_basic v. 2.0.1 Beta

What data does the application work with?

Currently, our application has the ability to retrieve data based on a list of YouTube video IDs ({video_id}) or a list of channel IDs. You can get values for the following metrics: ID, Published in, Published days ago, Duration, Title, Thumbnails, Definition, Description, Tags, Category, Channel ID, Channel Name, Region Restricted, Licensed Content, Date, Number of Views, Likes Counting and number of comments.

For your convenience, we’ve added custom features to Google Sheets, including:

ExtractYouTubeVideoIdFromUrl(‘URL’) – extracts the video ID from the full link to a YouTube video in the format

Please keep in mind that all of our services are offered “as is” and are subject to change without notice. It is important to understand that I am not responsible for the functionality or subsequent use by users.

How to work with the YouTube Analytics Tool for Google Spreadsheets?

To utilize the YouTube Analytics Tool for Google Spreadsheets, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the provided Google Spreadsheet template via the given link and create a copy in your preferred location within Google Drive.
  2. In the menu, click on “SHEMETOV” and select “Youtube Video Statistics“ and then “Settings” from the dropdown menu. This will open the tool’s settings window on the right-hand side. To make use of the tool, you will require the following information:
    • YouTube API Token ( – Relevant only for yt_basic v.1.0.0 Stable
    • Shemetov App Token

Click the ‘UPDATE‘ to update settings.

    To extract data from YouTube videos, follow these steps:

    1. In the menu, click on “SHEMETOV” and select “Youtube Video Statistics“ and then choose “Video Information by ID“.
    2. To make the tool operational, you need a list of video IDs for which you want to obtain data.
      Select the appropriate sheet and column where the video IDs are stored. By default, these are set to ‘Video_IDs’ and “B”.
    3. Under “What data is needed?“, use the checkboxes to select the specific dataset you require for your analysis.
    4. Click the “Get Data“ button to initiate the data retrieval process.

    All the collected data will be accessible on the “RESULT“ sheet. Please note that with each query, the “RESULT“ sheet will be cleared, and the new data will be added.

    By following these instructions and providing the required information, you can efficiently retrieve and analyze video metrics within Google Spreadsheets, utilizing real YouTube data.


    Upon registration, you will receive a one-time, complimentary allocation of 250 queries with the Shemetov Token for introductory purposes. Each data retrieval for a single video ID corresponds to one query.

    Please ensure to provide your personal ‘YouTube API Token’ obtained from Google Cloud  – (Only relevant for yt_basic v.1.0.0 Stable).

    All tokens after creation or replenishment are active for 365 days, after which they become inactive.

    Please note that all our services are provided on an “as is” basis and are subject to change without prior notification. I do not bear any responsibility for the functionality or subsequent usage by users.

    Change log

    Version: yt_basic v.2.0.1 Beta (2023-09-28)

    • The script has been implemented without a client YouTube Api token

    Version: yt_basic v.2.0.0 Beta (2023-09-01)

    • Added creation of tasks for automatic data tracking based on the channel list
    • Added creation of tasks for automatic data tracking based on a list of videos
    • Added getting a list of the 50 latest videos on the channel
    • Added tracking task management

    Version: yt_basic v.1.0.0 Stable (2023-08-01)

    • Added channel list data collection
    • Added data collection for video list
    What is the price?

    You can see all prices at the link –PRICING 

    Why is it necessary to analyze videos and competitors on YouTube?

    Analyzing metrics and parameters of competitors YouTube videos provides invaluable insights and opportunities for a successful YouTube channel strategy and audience engagement. In a world where video content has become a predominant form of communication, the adeptness to effectively analyze and leverage data is a pivotal skill for content creators, YouTubers, and digital marketers.

    Evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs) of video effectiveness stands as a central facet of competitor analysis. This encompasses metrics such as view count, likes, dislikes, comments, and channel subscribers. Dissecting this data yields an understanding of which videos resonate most with your target audience and what facets of the content captivate the greatest interest. Furthermore, trends in viewer behavior can be unearthed, aiding the identification of successful video marketing strategies and formats.

    Beyond overarching metrics, scrutinizing specific video parameters furnishes valuable cues for content optimization to attract an audience. For instance, scrutinizing watch time gauges how long viewers remain engaged with a video, hinting at their interest in the content. If a video boasts a high view count but low watch time, it could signal a need to enhance the introductory segment or overall video structure.

    Moreover, delving into keywords and phrases within comments and titles can pinpoint the most pertinent topics for your audience. This assists in crafting content that aligns with viewers’ queries and interests. Tracking which videos are frequently compared to yours and the keywords employed in this context can spark ideas for novel themes and content that holds appeal for your audience.

    Technical video parameters should not escape attention either. Scrutinizing video quality, audio, editing, and overall aesthetics grants insight into prevalent quality standards within your niche and suggests enhancements that can be integrated into your content.

    The ultimate conclusions drawn from analyzing competitors’ video metrics and parameters on YouTube can serve as a bedrock for developing and refining your YouTube content marketing strategy. Through studying successful approaches, focusing on audience interests, and optimizing the technical and visual quality of videos, you can curate more captivating and valuable content for your audience.


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